Pubg mobile android game review new weapon g36c update subscribe now: most features of this game is amazing, since everything. Pubg mobile royale pass season 6 update with new g36c rifle and tukshai vehicle scheduled for march 20. pubg mobile follows along a season-system for ranking, which in-turn has effects on tiering. Image courtesy of pubg corp. the g36c assault rifle is a weapon that replaces the scar and only spawns in vikendi. the gun is chambered for 5.56mm ammo and loads 30 bullets by default..
Pubg mobile 0.11.5 update patch notes - added mk47, which can be found in erangel, miramar and sanhok. it fires 7.62mm rounds and has two firing modes.. Pubg mobile 0.11.5 update brings a new weapon, the g36c rifle and tukshai vehicle. this update also brings some changes and improvements to ‘survive till dawn’ for zombies on pubg mobile.. Apart from that the 0.11.5 update beta also bought the most awaited g36c rifle and the tukshai (auto rickshaw) exclusive to sanhok map only. here is the patch note of the new update. pubg mobile 0.