Thursday, August 15, 2019

Pubg Lite Map

Pubg mobile lite features a smaller map made for 40 players, which means a faster-paced game that still keeps the traditional pubg style of play! 1. pubg mobile lite 40 players parachute onto a graphically rich 2x2 km island for a winner-takes-all showdown.. Pubg lite is a standalone product from the core pubg game and as such has its own dedicated dev team that will create exclusive content and quality of life features while also adding maps and content familiar to pubg players.. Pubg mobile lite features a smaller map made for 40 players, which means a faster-paced game that still keeps the traditional pubg style of play!----- join our discord server https.

PUBG Mobile lite for Android - Download

Pubg mobile lite for android - download

Pubg mobile vs pubg mobile lite map comparison pubg mobile lite 0.9.0 (9005)download link ----- my live streaming channel. Smaller map, fewer players. instead of the 8km x 8km map as the original version, pubg mobile lite has only half the map with 4km x 4km. in addition, the number of players is reduced to a maximum of 40 players in a match, which means that players often face each other and indirectly make matches fast and dramatic more than that. the same weapon. Pubg mobile lite players are unlikely to be matched with pubg mobile players, as the latter has 100 players per map. the soft launch in the philippines was first spotted by sharp-eyed users on reddit..

pubg lite map

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