Playerunknown's battlegrounds (pubg) is an online multiplayer battle royale game developed and published by pubg corporation, a subsidiary of south korean video game company bluehole. pubg mobile was the second most-downloaded mobile game of 2018, with nearly 300. Pubg mobile png & pubg mobile transparent clipart free download - playerunknown's battlegrounds mobile phones logo remuneration - pubg mobile , logo computer icons brand clip art playerunknown's battlegrounds - pubg mobile , playerunknown's battlegrounds iphone x video game tencent games - pubg mobile.. Playerunknown's battlegrounds (pubg) is a competitive survival shooter formally developed/published by bluehole. pubg mobile is running on unreal engine 4, players take on the battle royale experience on a map called "erangel." social media. twitter: @pubgmobile;.