Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Harvest Moon Tale Of Two Towns Cam

Additional marriage requirements: you need to have 4 flowers (30,000 fp) with howard and laney before you can marry cam. he does not have a reverse proposal so you must be the one to initiate the. Harvest moon: the tale of two towns cam selain menjual bunga dan perfume, cam juga merupakan npc yang dapat mengajak menikah karakter utama perempuan dalam game harvest moon: the tale of two towns. berikut ini adalah informasi apa yang disukai dan tidak oleh cam.. For harvest moon 3d: the tale of two towns on the 3ds, a gamefaqs answers question titled "cam's flower events?"..

Harvest moon Tale of two towns Cam 3 3 (Hot N Cold) - YouTube

Harvest moon tale of two towns cam 3 3 (hot n cold) - youtube

Harvest moon: the tale of two towns (牧場物語 ふ